Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Tiger Child

We have been looking at the story 'The Tiger Child'. It is a folk tale set in India and tells the story of a tiger cub sent to the village to find some fire. He forgets what he is looking for and stays in the village. The story tells us that ever since then people have kept cats and tigers have eaten raw meat.
We have been doing some drama this morning and thinking about how the people in the village felt when the tiger came to visit.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Mathew is listing to his partners idea


Finlay is doing his work to!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Happy Holidays 4/3B!

See you all in September. Enjoy your new class.

Saturday, 29 May 2010


We were investigating shadows earlier in the week. We found that our shadow changes shape and direction throughout the day. We thought about why this happens and linked it to what we know about the sun and earth. Here are some of our videos explaining the orbit of the earth around the sun.

Reece, Ruby, Erin, Hannah

Luke, Ben and Kieran A

Megan, Mae and Aimee

Friday, 28 May 2010

Salad Making

We learned all about healthy eating and had the opportunity to make a salad. They were really tasty and had lots of different fruits and vegetables in them.

Holly, Mae and Rebekah were keen to get started.

Lots of us tried the beetroot and really liked it!

Leo wasn't too keen on the cherry tomatoes. Apprently they burst in his mouth.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

New Class Members

Tadpole watch begins!
We are looking after our tadpoles at the moment. 4/3B have been finding out lots about them. 

Ruby found out that we should be feeding them rabbit food and brought some in today. They were very hungry and have been munching away all day. 
We have also put a stone in their tank so that they can hide behind it if they are scared and when they become more frog like they can sit on it.

George and Jodie have been measuring them and they are getting bigger everyday - the last measurement was 2cm!
We hope to release them in the school pond when they are frogs.