Thursday, 22 April 2010

New Class Members

Tadpole watch begins!
We are looking after our tadpoles at the moment. 4/3B have been finding out lots about them. 

Ruby found out that we should be feeding them rabbit food and brought some in today. They were very hungry and have been munching away all day. 
We have also put a stone in their tank so that they can hide behind it if they are scared and when they become more frog like they can sit on it.

George and Jodie have been measuring them and they are getting bigger everyday - the last measurement was 2cm!
We hope to release them in the school pond when they are frogs.

4/3B Weather Watch

Today we spent some time outside studying the weather.
This is the start of our weather watch this half term. We created some wonderful drawings of the weather today. 
Aimee said it was as hot as a sizzling sausage in a frying pan today!

Megan, Mae and Teresa carefully drew a tree in the quiet area. They spent a long time drawing the branches to get them just right and noticed lots of shadow today because it was so sunny.
Reece, Nathan C and George drawing the sunny football pitch.

Kieran A drew a fantastic view over the fence. He was really careful to draw exactly what he could see. Brilliant Kieran!
Lauren, Ruby Emily and Hannah drawing a view of the playground.

Space Station Punctuation

Jack Boots is trying to get to space!
We are trying to help him on his mission, but so far we are unsure he will make it. We are a bit worried about his equipment, we don't think he'll make it in the space suit he has on at the moment.
Professor Windsock has asked for our help to get him there, so we are in the process of designing a Jack Boots friendly rocket - we will let you know how it is going soon!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter 4/3B! I hope you have a fab two weeks on your holidays.

Here is a challenge for you......
Can you work out how to leave a comment underneath a blog post? 
Star pilot will be awarded to anyone who successfully completes the challenge. Good luck!
From Miss Bailey